Don’t worry! Today’s lunch is as animal-friendly as always: no marinated moose or any other kind of meat. ;)

Monday Moose Bento, 13-03-2011
The main dish, giving its name to this bento, is pasta (corkscrew and moose-shaped) with a  soy cream sauce, spinach, oyster mushrooms and a topping of pine-nuts and sunflower seeds. The sauce contains onion, garlic, mushroom stems, red bell pepper, a basil herb cube and powdered vegetable broth. It tasted great last night during dinner as well as today. :)

This Monday bento also holds the result of the first two recipes I made from my recently acquired cookbook, La Dolce Vegan!: Sleepy Sunday Morning Scramble (which I indeed made on Sunday morning while I was still rather sleepy) and Roasted Red Pepper Hummus. My oh my, both are quite a success! I’m glad I didn’t fill a whole container with just hummus because I would have eaten it all! Dipping my raw veggies (cucumber, green bell pepper, cherry tomatoes), sesame bread sticks and half a slice of toasted pumpkin-corn bread (not shown).

The tofu scramble is really nice as well; comforting (which I contribute to the nutritional yeast) though you shouldn’t really expect it to taste like scrambled eggs or anything.

Other goodies: olives, mixed nuts, corn salad, garden cress and of course those lovely raspberries with a bunch of purple cress. On the side I had an apple that didn’t get to be in the picture. ;)

Another great bento lunch to start my vegan week with! This is my 11th bento of 2011 and they’ve all been 100% animal-free.

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